NEXT Symposiumを開催!

NEXT Symposium "Membranome" for "Bio-Inspired Chemical Engineering"を開催いたしました。


You can download the program from the following link !

Opening Remarksで使用されたスライドを公開いたします。下記リンクよりダウンロード可能です。
"Opening Remarks" have been "opened".
[Opening-1] [Opening-2]


You can download some pictures of NEXT symposium.


Student Poster Award

ポスター発表では、5件のStudent Poster Awardが選出されました。
Congratulation ! Five students have won "Student Poster Award"!

P-01 Takaaki Ishigami
「Analysis of Chiral Recognition Induced by Liposome Membrane; Effects of Surface Polarity at Initial Adsorption Step」

P-04 Kazuma Sugita
「Characterization of Liposome Membrane Immobilized in Hydrogel and Its Application to Optical Resolution of Amino Acids

P-06 Junpei Chinkzaka
「Control of Consecutive Reactions of TCA cycle-Related Enzymes on Liposome Membrane」

P-13 Yukari Nishita
「Challenges for the Construction of Multicompartment Giant Vesicles by Lipid-Coated Ice Droplet Hydration Method」

P-14 Tsuyoshi Yamashita
「Formation Control of Reverse Micelles of Ionic Surfactant by Complexation with Counter-ionic Molecule」


Presentation by Umakoshi Laboratory

当研究室からはOral発表(3件)、Short Oral発表(2件)、Poster発表(13件)をそれぞれ行いました。
We made the following presentations in the NEXT symposium.
(3 Orals / 2 Short-Orals / 13 Posters ) 

■Oral Presentation

「Bio-Inspired Chemical Engineering Based on Membranome」
Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Use Liposome Membrane as a Platform of Asymmetric Recognition and Conversion」
Takaaki Ishigami and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Design of Nanosized Domain on Liposome Membrane for Recognition and Functionalization of Biomolecules」
Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi


■Short Oral Presentation

「Characterization of Liposome Membrane Immobilized in Hydrogel and Its Application to Optical Resolution of Amino Acids
Kazuma Sugita
, Takaaki Ishigami, Tatsuya Bando, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Adsorptive Behavior of Substrates and Regulation of Cycloaddition by Using Cationic Liposome」
Fumihiko Iwasaki, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi


■Poster Presentation

P-01 Student Poster Award
「Analysis of Chiral Recognition Induced by Liposome Membrane; Effects of Surface Polarity at Initial Adsorption Step」
Takaaki Ishigami and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「L-Proline-Catalyzed Michael Addition on Liposome Membranes in Water」
Masanori Hirose, Takaaki Ishiagmi and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Liposome-Induced Homochiral Polymerization of Amino Acids in Aqueous Media」
Yoshinori Kaneko, Takaaki Ishigami, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

P-04 Student Poster Award
「Characterization of Liposome Membrane Immobilized in Hydrogel and Its Application to Optical Resolution of Amino Acids
Kazuma Sugita
, Takaaki Ishigami, Tatsuya Bando, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Adsorptive Behavior of Substrates and Regulation of Cycloaddition by Using Cationic Liposome」
Fumihiko Iwasaki, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

P-06 Student Poster Award
「Control of Consecutive Reactions of TCA cycle-Related Enzymes on Liposome Membrane」
Junpei Chinkzaka, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「 Study on J-Aggregates of Porphyrin on Liposome Membrane toward Bio-Inspired Photoreduction System」
Takushi Hinoyama, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Analysis of Transport of Drug Molecules across the Nano Membrane Interface of Vesicles and Its Application」
Madoka Kiriishi, Tsuyoshi Tatsui, Keita Hayashi and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Estimation of Phase Separation of Heterogeneous Giant Vesicles by Using Microscopic Raman Analysis」
Yuki Takaya, Toshinori Shimanouchi, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Thermodynamic Properties of DOPC/DPPC Liposomes: Phase Separation Analysis Based on DSC」
Momoko Kota, Keishi Suga and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Liposome Membranes Enhance Self-Cleavage of Hammerhead Ribozyme in the Absence of Magnesium (II)」
Keishi Suga, Seishiro Tanaka and Hiroshi Umakoshi

「Preparation of Au Nano Particle-Hybridized Liposomes towards Sensitive Analysis of Lipid Membrane Surface by SERS」
Tomohiro Yoshida, Keishi Suga, Haruyuki Ishii and Hiroshi Umakoshi


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